Test Designs established:
- Acute coral testing with different taxa
- Acute non-standard Toxicity test (snails, marine amphipods, marine worms, insects)
- OPPTS 850.1020 (Gammarus Spec.)
- OPPTS 850.1020 (Hyalella azteca)
- OPPTS 850.1035 (Mysidopsis bahia, Americamysis bahia)
- OPPTS 850.1025 (Crassostrea virginica)
- OPPTS 850.5400 (Skeletonema costatum)
- Chironomus riparius following OECD 219 (2023) and OECD 235
- Macrophyte Testing (standard and non-standard) based on OECD 239,221
- Macroalgae Tests and Culturing
Algae Research Program!
Algae are known for their diversity and potential for carbon dioxide capture. In our new Algae Research Program, we focus on both microalgae and macroalgae. On the one side, we evaluate them based on international guidelines as an important indicator in ecotoxicology studies. On the other side, we are focusing on their cultivation and their potential nutritional properties.
Plant Growing Cabinet and Climate Chambers!
We can test and simulate different temperature conditions and light intensities (white, blue, and red). Small or large test? No problem! We have acquired several spacious climate chamber for our test facility. Here, we can perform diverse tests on our aquatic plants and organisms.
Projects planned in 2024:
- Screening of Macroalgae versus standard species
- Sensitivity checks of Anemones
- Microalgae SSD with Focus on diatoms and cyanobacteria
Social Events:
- Training Program on Ecotoxicology for Schools
- Start of Rescue One: Research Project on endangered Species
For further information please contact: guidogonsior@ggbiotechdesign.com

Aquatic Ecotoxicology
We offer a broad range of scientific services in aquatic ecotoxicolgy.
We have experience with a series of standard and non-standard tests with various aquatic organisms to evaluate general sensitivities, NOECs and EC50. We work together with our partners on freshwater and saltwater species. Meanwhile we work with more than 100 species. Species Sensitivity Distributions (SSD) with focus on different perspectives today are a basic tool in risk assessment.

Marine Science
We working with our partners on marine ecotoxicolgy questions. A main focus is on invertebrate testing (e.g. different kind of opossum scrimps) and on effects of chemicals on corals.
Together with our department for aquaculture we develop circulating systems with fish, scrimps, algae and insects.

Aqua Culture
Our focus is to build up new complex aquatic systems, which can be stabilised under several environment conditions. The interaction of several species in one system gives us the chance to avoid monoculture systems with high risk of biological collapse. In a multi-complex system resources can be shared between different species and waste water can be strongly reduced.